Fernanda Alves is currently a Professor in Interna8onal Rela8ons at the Faculty of Law,
Lusíada University (Porto, Portugal) and postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Social
Studies, University of Coimbra CES/UC. PhD in Interna8onal Rela8ons from the Pon8fical
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, with the thesis Memory maLer(s): Assembling
memorials in post-genocide Rwanda. She is also a former Visi8ng Research Fellow at the
Department of Poli8cal Science/Watson Ins8tute for Interna8onal and Public Affairs at
Brown University (2010) and Visi8ng Researcher at the Center for African Studies at the
University of California, Berkeley (2014- 2015). Editor-in-chief of the scien8fic journal
Cadernos de Relações Internacionais (IRI/PUC-Rio), member of the Interna8onal Studies
Associa8on (ISA), Memory Studies Associa8on (MSA), African Studies Associa8on (ASA)
and Brazilian Associa8on of Interna8onal Rela8ons (ABRI). Her current research interests
focus on gender and security studies; sexual abuse and exploita8on in peacekeeping
opera8ons; sexual violence as a weapon of war; Women, Peace and Security agenda;
iden8ty/difference and genocide; migrants, refugees and forced displaced persons;
transi8onal jus8ce; memorializa8on and transgenera8onal memory; affect and
emo8ons in Interna8onal Rela8ons; storytelling and autoethnography; Assemblage
theory and Actor-Network theory (ANT).