Eugénia Maria da Silva Abrantes (Mantegas, 1965) is the director of the Institute for Advance Studies in Catholicism and Globalization (IEAC-GO). She has a degree in theology from the Portuguese Catholic University and in psychological sciences from the Higher Institute of Applied Psychology, University Institute of Lisbon. She also completed an integrated master’s degree in psychology at this Institute, with a specialization in clinical psychology. ThD in history and culture of religions from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Lisbon. Pos-doctorate in «Études globales. Recherches sur la Compagnie de Jésus et sur ses interactions avec d’autres organisations religieuses dans l’histoire des processus de mondialisation (XVIe –XXe siècles)» by the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences in Paris, within the scope of the «Prix international d’encouragement aux études postdoctorales ‹Études globales›». She also trained in several areas: human resources management (postgraduate) at Higher Institute of Management; family mediation by the Portuguese Institute of Family Mediation; in cognitive coaching (training accredited by the Cognitive Coaching Centre – Denver, USA) by the (CITeS) – Teresiano-Sanjuanista International Centre – University of Mystic of Ávila, Spain; «Acompañamiento Espiritual Mistagógico» (Escuela EcEs) also by CITeS. She is a researcher at Centre for History of the University of Lisbon, Centre for Lusophone and European Literatures and Cultures Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon and at the Universidade Aberta’s Centre for Global Studies. In recent years she has developed research projects in the field of spirituality, religion and mysticism, in the areas of theology, psychology and history.