Productivity Research Fellow of CNPq – level 1D. Ad-hoc evaluator for CAPES, CNPq, FAPERGS, and A3ES – Portugal. Postdoctoral researcher in Education – Innovation Ecosystems in Hybrid and Multimodal Culture – Universidade Aberta de Portugal, with a doctorate in Educational Informatics and a master’s degree in Psychology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS. Holds the position of full professor-researcher in the Graduate Program in Education and the Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics at UNISINOS. Serves as the designer and leader of the International Research Group on Digital Education – GPe-dU UNISINOS/CNPq, collaborator researcher at the International Research Center Atopos/USP, the Center for Global Studies at Universidade Aberta (CEG-UAb), and the Center for Human-Centered Computing and Information Science – HumanISE at INESC TEC (Portugal). Acts as the International Co-Chair of the Immersive Learning Research Network – iLRN, designer and coordinator of the International OnLIFE Education Network – RIEOnLIFE, and the ConnectaKaT Network.