The researcher has a Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics (UFPR), a Bachelor’s Degree in Pedagogy (Unisul), a Specialization in Systems Development (PUCPR), a Master’s Degree in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná and a PhD in Educational Sciences – option: Educational Technologies from the University of Montréal – Canada. She works as a professor and researcher at the Graduate Program in Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná – PUCPR and as a pedagogical advisor and researcher at the Center for Teaching and Learning at PUCPr – CrEAre. She leads the Research Group on Creativity and Teaching Innovation in Higher Education – CIDES ( She is an international researcher at CriFPE – Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante/Canada, international consultant for the software for qualitative data analysis ATLAS.ti. He coordinates the Observa Portal of the Observatory of Innovations in Teaching and Learning Practices (, funded by the National Research Council of Brazil -CNPq. She is a CNPq Productivity Researcher (2020-2022; 2023-2025).