Daniel Romeiro was born in 1964 and has been teaching music education since 1996. He graduated in Education in 2019 and took his master’s degree in pedagogical supervision in 2023. Since 2022, he has regularly participated in educational projects under the Erasmus programmes and in 2023 published the results of his research work on Pedagogical Supervision in Portugal in the journal “Indagatio Ditactica”. (https://doi.org/10.34624/id.v15i3.31426) Having taken part in the XVIII Symposium of Professional Master’s Programmes, Postgraduate, Extension and Research Unit, in São Paulo/SP in November 2023, she saw her work published in Brazil in the “South American Devellopment Society Journal” (https://www.sadsj.org/index.php/revista/article/view/666) both in partnership with Dr Susana Henriques.

He is currently the creator of training programmes on policies for the integration of migrant populations aimed at technicians working in institutions that have to deal with migrant populations on a daily basis