Postdoctoral Fellow in Language Sciences from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP) – Brazil, and PhD in Language Sciences under the Sandwich PhD Program Abroad (CAPES), with research conducted at both UNICAP in Brazil and the research centers of the University of Lisbon and Universidade Aberta in Lisbon, Portugal, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. José Eduardo Franco. Holds a Master’s degree in Language Sciences. Additionally, he is a Specialist in Portuguese Language and has postgraduate degrees in Administration, Pedagogical Coordination, Educational Supervision, and a Bachelor’s degree in Literature, all from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). 

He is a member of the Academy of Letters of the City of Paulista, Pernambuco, Brazil, a member of the Brazilian Writers’ Union (UBE), and of the Society of Living Poets of Olinda, Pernambuco, Brazil.