Cybelle Salvador Miranda works in the area(s) of Humanities with an emphasis on Arts, Architecture and Design. Associate Professor level IV at the Federal University of Pará, working at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism and in the Postgraduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the UFPA Institute of Technology. Coordinates the Cultural Memory and Heritage Laboratory. Leads the Architecture, Memory and Ethnography Group and is part of the research groups: Ambiances Network; Health and City: architecture, urbanism and cultural heritage (FIOCRUZ), Network Amazon Research in Architecture (UNIFAP),Center for Lusophone and European Literatures and Cultures (CLEPUL/University of Lisbon) and Universidade Aberta, Global Studies Center. The researcher is graduate in Architecture and Urbanism (1997), Master in Development Planning from the Center for Higher Amazon Studies at the Federal University of Pará (2000), PhD in Social Sciences (Anthropology) from the Federal University of Pará (2006). Post-doctorate in Art History from the University of Lisbon (2015). She organized the books Hospitais e saúde no Oitocentos: Diálogos entre Brasil e Portugal (Editora FIOCRUZ, 2018), Arquitetura assistencial luso-brasileira da Idade Moderna à contemporaneidade espaços, funções e protagonistas (Theya Editores, 2019) and Experiência do lugar arquitetônico: dimensões subjetivas e sensoriais das ambiências (Riobooks, 2022).