Cristina Montalvão Sarmento is an Associate Professor at the University of Lisbon (ISCSP) with an Aggregation in Global Studies from the Open University. She is the Director of the Political Observatory and holds a PhD in Political Science, specializing in Political Theory (2004) from NOVA – FCSH. She also has a Postgraduate degree in Philosophy from FLUL (1999). The author holds a postgraduate degree in Political Science from ISCSP-UTL (1994), a second cycle degree in Geostrategy and International Relations from IEHEI in Nice, France (1987), a degree in History from FLUL (1997), and a degree in Law from FCH-UCP (1986). She is a member of various Political Science Associations and has been the Secretary-General of the Association of Portuguese-speaking Universities since 2014. Recently, in 2022, she was elected to the board of the International Association of Universities (UNESCO) and was appointed Vice-President for the term (2022-2026).