She graduated in Classical Studies (2008) and obtained her PhD in History (2018) from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. She is an invited assistant professor at Universidade Aberta, within the framework of the PhD program in Global Studies. She is an integrated researcher at the Center for Global Studies of Universidade Aberta, where she coordinates the Research Line “Knowledge Revolution and Circulation of Ideas in the Enlightenment” and serves as advisor to the Director. She is also a researcher at the Center for Lusophone and European Literatures and Cultures at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon (CLEPUL) and at the Center for History of the University of Lisbon. She has participated in numerous projects in the areas of Portuguese History and Culture, as well as in the organization of scientific meetings, notably the International Congress ” Globalização s(em) Fronteiras” (2022) and the International Congress “Direitos Humanos: História, Atualidade e Utopia(s) em contexto de Globalização” (2023). In addition, she is responsible for the executive coordination of seminar cycles, notably the International Seminar on Global Studies, in partnership with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Her research focuses on the 18th century, studying the concept of the “Foreigner” and mechanisms of otherness exclusion from a historical perspective. She completed her PhD in Contemporary History in 2018, with a thesis on “Representações do Estrangeiro na Culrura Portuguesa” for which she obtained a PhD Scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology. She also serves as advisor to the Coordination of the PhD program in Global Studies (Universidade Aberta) and Chief Editor of the e-Letras com Vida — Journal of Global Studies: Humanities, Sciences, and Arts.