PhD in Sustainable Territorial Development (2022) from the University of Extremadura (Spain), master’s degree in Integrated Fruit Production, and bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Sciences and Environment Engineering from the Higher School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco. 

Currently works as a senior technician in the Rural Development Division of the Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Centro region, with responsibilities related to producer organizations, traditional high-quality products, the National Apicultural Program, and Rural Development Networks (RRN). Also conducts research at the NECE – Research Center for Business Sciences at the University of Beira Interior and collaborates as a researcher with the Center for Global Studies (CEG) at Universidade Aberta. 

Recent research focuses on themes such as place branding, sustainable development, regional and rural development, high-quality agri-food products, sustainable tourism, circular economy, and transition models applied to territorial sustainability.