Carlos Fiolhais (Lisbon, 1956) graduated in Physics at the University of Coimbra (1978) and received his PhD in Theoretical Physics at the Goethe University, Frankfurt (1982). He is a Full Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of C70 scientific, pedagogical and scientific outreach books and hundreds of scientific, pedagogical and outreach articles. He co-authored the scientific article by a reseacher in Portugal with the most citations (+24,000 in Google Scholar). He is a regular columnist of “Correio da Manhã”, “Jornal de Letras” and “As Artes entre as Letras”, and participated in SIC’s TV-program “Original é a Cultura” and the Observador podcast «Ciência Pop». Won the Prizes: Merit of the Ministry for Science, technology and Higher Education (2022), José Mariano Gago of the Portuguese Society of Authors (2018), Ciência Viva-Montepio (2017), BBVA by the Royal Spanish Physics Society for the best educational article in the Ibero-American area (2012), Golden Globe of Merit and Excellence in Science from SIC (2005), the Order of Henry the Navigator (2005), Innovation from Forum III Millennium (2006) and Rómulo de Carvalho from the University of Évora (2006). He was director of the General Library of the University of Coimbra and Coordinator of the Knowledge area at the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation. He was founder and director of Rómulo – Centro Ciência Viva of the University of Coimbra and is director of the “Ciência Aberta” collection of Gradiva publishers.