Boaventura Simião Nuvunga is a PhD candidate in Social Sustainability and Development at Universidade Aberta since 2017. His research focuses on sustainable rural development in Mozambique, with an emphasis on cashew cultivation. He holds a Master’s degree in Plant Protection from the University of Adelaide, Australia (1998), a postgraduate diploma in Seed Pathology from the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark (1992), and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique (1990). With extensive professional experience, he has been coordinating the Skills Development Enhancement Project at the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Higher Education in Mozambique since 2019. Previously, he served as the Coordinator of the Higher Education, Science and Technology Project and as the National Director of Planning, Studies, and Cooperation in the same ministry. Between 2011 and 2014, he was part of the Horticulture and Plant Protection Research Group at the Agricultural Research Institute of Mozambique. He also served as the National Director of Agrarian Services and Deputy National Director of Agriculture, in addition to his roles as Plant Health Technician and Lecturer in Phytopathology. He has participated in various international seminars and conferences and has several publications related to rural development and sustainable agriculture in Mozambique