Betina Ruiz holds a Ph.D. from the University of São Paulo in the field of ‘Comparative Studies of Literatures in Portuguese Language,’ with the dissertation ‘Matrices for a Study of Women’s Literature: A Comparative Reading of Sister Mariana Alcoforado and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz,’ supervised by Professor Dr. Horácio Costa. She was a Lecturer at ESAG from 2011 to 2019, teaches at ESE-IPVC, and is an external Researcher at CEI – ISCAP and IELT – FCSH. She has also been a teacher in compulsory education, a mentor in projects focused on textual creation and the use of newspapers in the classroom, having developed Bibliotherapy projects and performative reading sessions. In conferences, both in Portugal and abroad, she has presented her Post-Doctoral research on Clarice Lispector, as well as studies on female participation in the literary world and the arts.”