Bárbara Bäckström has completed the PhD in International Health in 2006 from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, a Master’s degree in Historical and Social Demography in 1997 from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculty of Social and Human Sciences and a Degree in Sociology in 1993 from Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. She is an Associate Professor at the Open University in the Department of Social and Management Sciences. She has published several articles in specialized magazines, as well as books and book chapters. In terms of research it is focused on the intersection of migration and health, migration’s impact on health, diversity and inclusion of migrants,. She participates in several projects and initiatives, including Cost Actions such as “Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity (COREnet),” “Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at School Level (TRIBES),” and “Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe (TraFaDy).” Additionally, has been involved in various research projects addressing issues such as school success for students with immigrant backgrounds, intercultural mediation, immigrant health policies, and the integration of refugees in Portugal. Also belongs to the Observatory of Professional Paths and Life of Graduates of the Open University team and the network RESMI – Higher Education Network for Intercultural Mediation. In the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production the main areas are: Health, Migrants, Refugees, Representations; Integration, Inequalities; Academic paths; Work trajectories; Student profiles; UAb graduates; Young people; Portuguese-speaking countries; Demography; Birth; Family structures; Aging; Elearning; Students; University, Equality; Inclusion; Mobilities; Racism; Public policy.