Assia Mohssine is Professor of Mexican Literature at the Université Clermont Auvergne. Her research, inspired by gender studies, sociocriticism and decolonial theory, focuses on contemporary Mexican literature. She has edited 17 collective works and published numerous book chapters in France, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Morocco. Researcher at CELIS (Centre de Recherches sur les Littératures et la Sociopoétique), where she directs (with Chloé Chaudet and Anne Garrait) the transversal research axis “Décentrements” and the research program “Études féminines/istes/de genre et décentrement(s)” (2021-2025). Vice-President of the Institut International de Sociocritique and founding member of the Matrimoine Afro-Américano-Caribéen (MAAC) research network, an online platform on the heritage of Afro-American-Caribbean women creators. She is also director of the series Argumentos y Debates. Sociocrítica e interdisciplinariedad at Peter Lang Publishers (Berlin, Germany).