António Guimarães Pinto holds a PhD in classical languages from Minho University (Braga, Portugal) and has been associate professor at Amazon Federal University (Manaus, Brazil) since 2010, where he is responsible for teaching Latin and Greek language and literature. His researches are mainly concerned with Portuguese Renaissance Humanism, Neo-Latin Literature, Jesuit authors writing in Latin, Portuguese Church in the colonies and the History of Science. Is the author of vast and diversified bibliography, including the translation from Latin of the complete or most representative works of some important 16th and 17th century authors, as Jerónimo Osório, Diogo de Teive, Diogo de Paiva de Andrade, Manuel Pimenta, Pedro Nunes, António Luís, Padre António Vieira, Andrea Mattioli and Erasmus of Rotterdam. He has been invited to participate as a Latin translator in various projects related to the history of Science, Law and the Portuguese Church from the 16th to the 18th centuries.