Andreia Fidalgo (born in 1986, Castelo de Vide, Portugal) holds a PhD in History from ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL). She holds a MA in History of Algarve (2013) and a BA in Cultural Heritage (2009) from the University of Algarve. Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Algarve (FCHS-UAlg), she is also a member of the research team of CEG-UAb (Centro de Estudos Globais / Centre for Global Studies – Universidade Aberta). Her most recent research focused on the economic impact and social reception of the enlightened reformist plans conceived at the end of the Old Regime. Author of articles, chapters, and books in her field of research, she has been previously involved in the organization of several exhibitions, academic meetings, and research projects.