André Matos holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with a thesis on the influence of the European Union on the democratization of Turkey. André Matos currently works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities at Universidade Aberta, where he co-coordinates the Master’s in European Studies. Among other courses, he has taught International Relations Theory, Democracy and International Governance, and the Political System of the European Union. He was the creator, founder, and coordinator of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in International Relations at Universidade Portucalense for six years.

André Matos is a member of the Executive Committee of the Instituto Jurídico Portucalense. He is also a researcher of the Centro de Estudos Globais and CICP at Universidade do Minho. His main research areas are the European Union, democracy, and Turkey. He is a board member of the International Relations Section of the Portuguese Political Science Association, Coordinator of the evaluation panel for Ph.D. scholarships in Political Science for the FCT, external evaluator of the Bachelor’s in International Relations at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, author of several scientific publications, and has a significant record of participation in academic events in Portugal and abroad.