Assistant Professor at Universidade Aberta. She is the Coordinator of the Master’s program in Food Consumption Sciences and the Postgraduate program in Sustainable Food Systems, which is supported by FAO. She teaches in undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral courses, specifically in the Bachelor’s in Environmental Sciences, Master’s in Food Consumption Sciences, Master’s in Environmental Citizenship and Participation, Ph.D. in Social Sustainability and Development, and Ph.D. in Global Studies. She holds a degree in Food Engineering from the School of Biotechnology, Portuguese Catholic University, and a Ph.D. in Industrial Systems Engineering from the Institut Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy, France. She is an integrated member of GreenUPorto – Research Center for Sustainable Agrifood Production (, within the Consumer Perception and Sensory Analysis Group, focusing her research on food consumption. Her research interests include attitudes, emotions, and perceptions towards food products, sustainable food consumption, determinants of food choice, food education, qualitative methodologies applied to consumer research, food risk perception, and the perception of nutritional/food information.