Ana Martins holds a PhD in Leadership, Organisational Behaviour and Information Science. She is a Full Professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Graduate School of Business & Leadership, South Africa. She was a former Interim Dean and Head of the Graduate School. Her scholarship spans over 30 years and encompasses a range of countries, namely, UK, South Africa, Hong Kong, China, Germany, Portugal, including the Middle East. Her research includes over 100 indexed international peer-reviewed academic journals and book chapters with Emerald, Springer, SAGE Publications, Taylor & Francis, Palgrave Macmillan Publishing as well as international conference peer-reviewed proceedings. Her key research topics embrace Emerging Concerns Related to Humanising Leadership and Organisations. She has supervised to completion, numerous students on Doctoral and Masters programmes. She also serves as a member of International Accreditation Agencies for Higher Education.