Assistant Professor of History in the Department of Political and Economic Sciences (DCPE) at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Marília, São Paulo, Brazil. She also holds a position in the Graduate Program in History at UNESP. Dr. Viotti completed her undergraduate, Master’s, and Ph.D. degrees in the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Franca, São Paulo, Brazil. She was honored with the ‘International Encouragement Prize for Postdoctoral Studies in Global Studies’ (EHESS, European Institute of Cultural Sciences, International Society of Jesuit Studies, CIDH – 2021). Dr. Viotti conducted post-doctoral research at the Graduate Program in History of Sciences and Health at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (COC/FIOCRUZ) and the Alexandre Koyré Center of the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS). Her research focuses on the treatment of the body in the 18th century, encompassing the History of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Science in the Portuguese empire, the involvement of Jesuits in the medical field, Atlantic Slavery, and Food History. Notable among her publications are the books: “Pano, pau, pão. Escravos no Brasil colonial” (Unifesp, 2019); “Coleção de várias receitas e segredos de nossa Companhia […]” (Loyola, 2019); and “As práticas e os saberes médicos no Brasil colonial (1677-1808)” (Alameda, 2017).