Associate Professor IV at the Institute of Letters (subjects of Paleography, Diplomatics, Ecdotics and Textual Philology) and Professor of the Postgraduate Programs in Language and Culture at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), and in Linguistic Studies, at the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS). She is a CNPq Researcher Productivity Fellow. Graduated in Vernacular Letters from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Master and PhD in Letters and Linguistics from the Postgraduate Program in Letters and Linguistics at UFBA, with Post-Doctorates in Letters (Philology) from UFBA, in History (International Relations) from the University of Brasília (UnB), and in History from CIDEHUS, at the University of Évora. She was a CAPES Senior Visiting Professor Program Fellow at CHCS, at the Faculty of Arts, Department of History; Paleography and Diplomacy area, at the University of Coimbra. She is a member of the Memória & Arte Paleographic Research and Documentation Center (CEPEDOP); leader of Modus Scribendi – Paleographic, Philological and Historical Research Group (CNPq-UFBA); and member of the Textual Criticism Research Groups of the National Library Foundation (CNPq-FBN), Metamorphose – Materiality and interpretation of manuscripts and printed materials from the Modern Period (CNPq-UnB) and CEDOHS – Electronic Corpus of Historical Documents of the Sertão (CNPq -UEFS). She is a Researcher at CLEPUL, University of Lisbon; and the Center for Global Studies, at the Open University of Portugal. She develops safeguarding, recovery and dissemination projects for paper collections in several Brazilian institutions.