Visiting Assistant Professor at the Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas do Douro (ISCE Douro). Lecturer at ISEIT/Viseu – Instituto Superior de Estudos Interculturais e Transdisciplinares de Viseu (Piaget Institute of Viseu). Degree in Psychology (pre-Bologna). Master’s Degree in Educational Psychology. PhD in Educational Sciences, specializing in Educational Psychology. Full member and member of the Assembly of Representatives of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists. Specialist in Educational Psychology, Special Educational Needs and Early Intervention by the Portuguese Psychologists’ Association. He is the President of the National Association for the Study and Intervention in Giftedness (ANEIS), and is also the coordinator of the Enrichment Programme in the Domains of Aptitude, Interests and Socialization (PEDAIS), under the responsibility of the Porto/Gondomar Delegation, and director of the scientific journal “Giftedness”.