REC-SEL | Recolha seletiva de resíduos em Portugal: caracterização de iniciativas e proposta de normas e incentivos

Principal Investigator: Célia Dias Ferreira
Funding Entity: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal)
Programa de Financiamento: Science4Policy 2023
Amount Granted: 49.992,00€
Starting Date: 01.06.2024 (12 months)
Researche Team: Catarina Nunes, Fátima Alves, João Relvão Caetano, Luis Cavique, Marc Jacquinet


The REC-SEL project (Selective Waste Collection in Portugal: Characterization of Initiatives and Proposal of Standards and Incentives) was one of the projects funded in the 1st call of FCT dedicated to science for public policies. This project will generate scientific and practical knowledge and create tools to support sustainable waste management, which are essential for informed decision-making and effective public policies.

The project uses the Science for Public Policies 2.0 model, proposed by the Joint Research Center (JRC, 2020), which is based on four main principles: i) close interaction with policymakers and regulators; ii) breaking down barriers between scientific domains; iii) horizontal and vertical knowledge management; and iv) the adoption of foresight tools.

One of the most innovative aspects of this project is the establishment of a Community of Practice (CoP), which will stimulate information exchange and social learning, and harness the collective intelligence generated. The team is multidisciplinary, involving researchers from different groups within the CEG, leveraging the interaction of various fields of knowledge. This team will be expanded with the formation of the Community of Practice, which will bring together key actors in waste management. Thus, this project takes on a transdisciplinary character to address the global challenge of sustainably managing the waste inherently generated by human activities.