Multimedia Laboratory for Local Studies (LabELO)

Institutional Framework

The Multimedia Laboratory for Local Studies (LabELO) Line at the Center for Global Studies (CEG) is designed to support the development of all CEG research groups and lines at the Universidade Aberta (UAb).

LabELO aims to work closely with various CEG research groups to identify local study and intervention subjects in the territorial areas served by UAb’s Local Learning Centers (CLA). The goal is to transform scientific knowledge into practical contributions that promote the competitiveness and development of these territories. The CLA network, comprising eighteen centers, supports UAb’s mission of social and academic responsibility. It operates to enhance social and territorial development by providing greater access to higher education and strengthening UAb’s research capabilities, in collaboration with public and private institutions.

LabELO focuses on fostering new dynamics that will strengthen communication between different CLAs and local partners through academic and socio-cultural activities, while also promoting scientific endeavors via participation in research projects.


The Mobile Unit for Local Studies, now called LabELO, was originally established as a mobile research unit under the Coordination Institute of Research. Following institutional restructuring (Normative Dispatch No. 11/2015, published in DR, 2nd series — No. 122 — June 25, 2015), LabELO was tasked with promoting research projects in priority areas of the CLA as per rectoral orders 400/R/2009 and 53/R/2012.

The transformation of ELO into LabELO can create significant synergies for CEG’s development by fostering scientific research and local development through collaborative or individual action-research projects with local institutions and social actors.

Objectives and Mission

As a support structure for CEG, LabELO aims to contribute to CEG’s objectives by creating networks for scientific and technological cooperation among researchers, universities, research centers, and businesses.

Specific Objectives:

  • Provide platforms for dialogue and project development among researchers from diverse scientific fields.
  • Support advanced higher education training.
  • Promote the publication, editing, and dissemination of scientific work and the production of (audiovisual) content for digital media.

Core Missions:

  • Support the production, dissemination, and communication of research.
  • Facilitate the integration of research, training, and service provision.
  • Engage in or promote research projects addressing the specific needs of the communities served by the CLAs.
  • Collaborate with the Local Learning Centers Development Unit (UMCLA) to promote cultural, scientific, and academic initiatives in partnership with local, regional, national, and international entities, both public and private.