International Network for Global Studies

Coordinator: Jeffrey Scott Childs

The International Network for Global Studies aims to promote the growing articulation of tertiary education institutions dedicated to the development of research, innovation, training and dissemination actions in Global Studies.

With the proliferation of phenomena of global impact, there is an urgent need to create international collaborative bodies to understand and study them, as well as the responses given to these phenomena from the various geographical contexts that articulate the world: international, national, regional and local. There is also an urgent need to consolidate the field of Global Studies through theoretical consolidation and the establishment of empirical research partnerships covering various thematic areas, including the following:

  • Sustainability and global development
  • Global education
  • Global management and governance
  • Global history
  • Global literatures, arts and cultures
  • Global politics, security and law
  • Religion, spiritualities and globalization
  • Transnational migration

The International Network for Global Studiesis intended to promote the structuring of the field of Global Studies and stimulate international cooperation, thus fostering scientific production in the area and disseminating this knowledge in articulation with other institutions and networks. The overarching aim of this initiative is to contribute to the growing visibility of Global Studies, demonstrating its relevance as a hermeneutic key to the major issues plaguing contemporary and future societies.


  1. To contribute to the consolidation of the field of Global Studies at an international level;
  2. To increase the degree of interaction and create synergies by specific thematic and disciplinary areas within Global Studies, enhancing the quality and extent of research in the field;
  3. To promote inter-institutional cooperation through regular meetings and other activities carried out in partnership (funded projects, publications, scientific events, supervision and co-supervision of research projects, among others);
  4. To increase the visibility of the field of Global Studies, as well as the results of its activity, in civil society.

Consolidation Strategies:

  1. Holding an INGS preparatory meeting (March 2024);
  2. Carrying out joint training, research, innovation and dissemination projects;
  3. Designing implementing an integrated information and knowledge management system, primarily through an INGS website, a network meeting and a bi-annual Congress;
  4. Promoting and managing the integration of new members;
  5. Ensuring the presence of INGS at prestigious events, forums and congresses and its participation in networks that enhance its international projection and articulation;
  6. Promoting the growth and consolidation of the field of Global Studies by developing researchers at each of the partner institutions.

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