Podcast “Um professor lê: Sonhos d’Além-Mar”

Literature is built on metamorphoses. From the reading of a book, the paths of interpretation become as diverse as the existing readers. Alongside this, the means of disseminating literary analysis, aiming to socialize reading and expand literary repertoire, are continuously growing, incorporating new technologies and exploring the creativity of teachers and students. In this context, the project “A Teacher Reads: Virtual Literary Dialogues,” created in 2017, is dedicated to interacting with literary texts through an educational approach, exploring formal and content aspects, contextual elements, and connections with other readings. For the 2024 season, titled “Dreams from Overseas”, the focus will be on 20th-century Portuguese literature, since such works, for the general Brazilian audience (and even the academic one), are largely limited to Fernando Pessoa and José Saramago. Thus, the presentation of Portuguese authors and literary works, in the form of podcasts linked to the project, is proposed as an initiative for integrating Portuguese-language culture.

Podcast “Pensar Global”

Coming soon…